I have a confession.   Not only do I believe in romance and Happily Ever After, but I’m a country girl at heart.  Raised in the country (most of the time), even when I have lived in big cities, foreign lands and various other places, simplicity and what truly matters…family, friendship, and community…have always been  at the heart of who I am and what I want to read and write about.


My writing career began as a young, sassy girl, penning plays to be performed by myself and my four amazing siblings. In a garage. For our ‘held hostage’ audience of mother and father. Years later, I reclaimed my passion for the written word and dove head first with my first love…romance.

After receiving an education degree in Alaska, I promptly put that piece of parchment away and followed mysoul into writing romance novels. Settled now after living in ten states (including breathtaking Alaska) and South Korea, I dwell in the magnificent purple shadows of the Colorado Rocky Mountains.  Heaven

Another confession, though people who knew me earlier in my life would never believe it, I love an audience and a microphone.  Who’d have thought it?  Shy little Jodi has a secret extrovert side that is released, mostly at writers conference, workshops and in classrooms.  I love to present a variety of workshops for writers and use any opportunity to gain control of a microphone in front of a captive audience when acting as emcee at various events.  Then, I retreat back into my introvert shell to refuel. Anyone else like that out there?  Isn’t it fun?

After many years of devouring any romance novel I could find, I realized that the characters and stories in my head needed me to help bring their amazing love to life for readers. I admit that my book characters become real to me, they mean a lot to me and I hope they will mean that much to you as you discover each of their unique, quirky tales.

So, here I am.  Here you are.  And I couldn’t be more pleased.

Happy Reading!



Contemporary Romance

One Lump or Two?

Her Secret Millionaire

First Prize: Marriage

Their Miracle Baby